What is injection therapy?
Injection therapy involves the use of medicines and other products to manage a range of injuries. There are several injection therapies that individually work through a different pathway to help promote the resolution of an injury. Injection therapy involves the use of anti-inflammatory agents administered into intra and extra-articular tissues and joint spaces. This therapy is commonly indicated for inflammatory pathologies like tendonitis, arthritis, rotator cuff tendinopathy, joint swelling and bursitis.
There are different types of injection therapies, namely:
- Corticosteroid injection: Also known as steroids, corticosteroid injections are one of the most commonly used injections as part of injury management. Corticosteroids are injected into or around a painful area like a joint or ligament to help reduce inflammation in the area, relieve pain, reduce tissue swelling and improve mobility and function.
Corticosteroid injections are normally indicated to treat arthritis, frozen shoulder, carpal tunnel syndrome and bursitis. Steroid injections may provide pain relief for months, depending on the condition that's being treated. In most cases, these injections are administered with a local anaesthetic to provide temporary pain relief after the corticosteroid injection.
- Synthetic synovial fluid injection: These injections are a type of injection therapy that is an effective treatment for arthritic joints. Synthetic synovial fluid injection involves the insertion of a synthetic version of the body’s natural joint lubricant, synovial fluid, into the joint.
- Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injection: PRP injections involve taking a sample of your blood and removing red blood cells to obtain plasma enriched with platelets. These are then delivered through an injection into the injured area. The platelets help enhance the healing response. PRP injections are indicated for tendon injuries, nerve injury, osteoarthritis, bone repair and regeneration.
- Foot, ankle and heel pain.
- Elders who have lost a limb due to vascular disease.
When to visit an orthotist and podiatrist?
Prior to getting your orthosis, you will visit a podiatrist who will examine your feet and how you walk. He or she will check your medical history and assess the movement and function of your lower extremities. This information will help determine whether you need prescription orthotics.
An orthotist will then design the required orthosis to:
- Immobilise the affected part of the body to allow it to heal.
- Assist movement or offer support.
- Correct the shape or function of the affected body part.
- Limit the affected body part’s possible directions of movement.
Different orthosis may be designed and used, such as ankle braces and arch supports. Orthosis are used to help with the rehabilitation of injuries and reduce pain associated with long term health problems.