



What are neurological conditions?

The nervous system is a complex network of cells and nerves that are responsible for carrying messages to and from the brain and spinal cord, to other parts of the body. The nervous system consists of the brain, spinal cord and a network of nerves throughout the body. Damage to the nervous system due to injury or disease may result in difficulties controlling movement. Sensation may also be affected along with speech, vision, swallowing, speaking and bladder or bowel control.

The most common neurological disorders and condition treated through neurological physiotherapy include:

  • Sprains: These occur due to overstretching or tearing of a ligament. Ligaments are flexible bands of fibrous tissue responsible for connecting bones to bones, and to cartilage. Sprains normally affect the knees, ankles, or wrists.
  • Stroke: A stroke, also known as a brain attack, occurs when blood flow to the brain is prohibited. Brain cells die due to loss of oxygen and nutrients, causing brain damage. A stroke may affect movement, speech, bowel and bladder control and control of other vital body functions.
  • Acquired brain injury: This is an umbrella term for any type of brain injurt that occurs after birth, such as trauma to the head.
  • Multiple sclerosis: This is a central neurological disorder where the immune system begins to attack the protective layer around the nerve fibers, called the myelin. Multiple sclerosis causes inflammation and scar tissue or lesions that affect the brain’s ability to send messages to the rest of the body. This may disable both the brain and spinal cord.
  • Spinal cord injury: These are injuries that damage the spinal cord. Spinal cord injuries may affect walking and movement of the arms and legs. They can also cause pain, pressure and stiffness in the back or neck.
  • Ataxia: This is a degenerative condition that affects the nervous system. Ataxia results in a lack of muscle coordination, affecting eye movements, speech, swallowing and walking.

What does rehabilitation for neurological disorders entail?

Neurological physiotherapy depends on the type of neurological disorder you are diagnosed with, as well as its severity. Phillo Beukes will undertake a comprehensive assessment of your coordination and balance as well as your strength in order to determine a personalised treatment plan. Rehabilitation may include limb, breathing and circulation exercises, bed exercises, mobilisation and positioning or splinting.


“Take care of your body,
and your body will take care of you.”